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CAS participated in the China Overseas Investment Fair in Beijing

On 27 and 28 November 2019 the Caspian Arbitration Society participated in the China Overseas Investment Fair held in the National Convention Centre in Beijing.

Vitaliy Kozachenko, Advisory Board member of the society, gave a keynote speech on the society’s features which make it an ideal forum for dispute resolution in the context of the Chinese Belt-and-Road Initiative. Mr Kozachenko has noted the society’s growth over the last year, and the fact that it now includes arbitrators not only from the Caspian Region itself, but also from almost all countries along the path of the Initiative.

Government representatives of the Chinese Inner Mongolia have expressed interest in the society and commended its founders' efforts aimed at improving the conditions for Chinese investment in the Greater Caspian Region.

Other keynote speakers observed that at the current time most international business disputes in the Caspian Region are resolved in various fora in London (e.g. LCIA, High Court, LMAA and others). But while London is a recognised centre for international dispute resolution, there was a need for a forum which is not London-centric, which is neutral in that it does not seek to promote the interests of any specific jurisdiction, where disputes can be resolved quicker and taking into account the specificities of the Caspian Region. The speakers have noted the Caspian Arbitration Society as a new forum which already achieves these objectives.


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